Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Dark Elites Notes


Well, well, well, Krem's back, along with the revelation of his four children and a new Shadow Being. And what's that in the last panel? I knew you knew it.

Anyways, NOTES!

- I'm aware that you can't fully see Buremr. But that's okay. You'll see a lot of him in the future.

- This is one of those comics that inspired the Paradoxium Returns Revisited project. I realized that I could've done better with the earlier comics, but there are also some things that I didn't know I was doing in the earlier ones - the current direction of Paradoxium Returns is much different than the one even a few months ago. There are probably plot holes, and I think focusing on Ellesmara's relationship with her father will be more important than the blurb we saw of Thoz's relationship with Krem.

And yes, if you didn't know, Krem is a father. His wife's name was Kaime... and then we begin getting into spoiler territory.

- Gimego is another Shadow Being. I can see no way that this is a spoiler. Although it will make you ask some questions later.

- One of the lines in this comic is the title of the next major arc, after Paradoxium Returns ends.

- Sorry about the monologue. At present and when I wrote this, however, I can't think of any other way to do it.

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